Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What's that smell?

My husband has been having these stomach issues. I am not surprised as he has had anxiety ever since we've been married (hum...I hope that doesn't say anything about me). A couple of years ago he went to an internalist (I think that's what their called) and had a scope done. After two different scopes and $3000 we were told to take over the counter prilosec and good luck. Some how we think after all that we should at least get all the doctor's free samples--no luck. So he's had these stomach issues for awhile and they come and go. For the last week or so its been a problem once again. I can tell we are heading for a rough week when he rips a big burp. Perhaps its a small clue as you can almost see the purple mist expelled from his mouth. Shrek has nothing on fact I think he could out do Shrek. If by some chance I ever become blind then I still will be able to know because of the smell we refere to the "rotton egg" belches. If I am not careful and do not grab my emergency gas mask I will start a violent round of throwing up. I am worried that one of these days I will die from gas poisoning. I always laugh when Frans comes in the room and says, "What's that smell?" If that wasn't bad enough the second week of the rot gut comes along. This hits you when you lest expect it. I will be walking through the room--my husband of course acting as if nothing is wrong. When I seem to walk through a mist of darkness--it is thick and the worst possible smell you can think of. If that is what hell is like I definitely don't want to be there. Maybe we should bottle this smell and put into the air vents of the prisons. I think we would have a lot less criminals. I have to say (and I have changed a lot of dirty diapers and gross things my kids have done) this is at the top of my list of bad smells. My husband laughs and thinks its funny...BOYS! I have to say I grew up with a mother that tried hard to make me a southern bell--you know all that's proper and such. I didn't even know how to burp until I got married. I think next time I will just make a habit of sending Frans in first so he can warn me with..."What's that smell?"

1 comment:

Summer Freeman said...

Funny!! I'm dry heaving as a type.